We're Maddox & Dwight

As Social Intelligence Coaches, we help you discover what you want in friendships, relationships, and your social life, followed by intentional, curated action steps to make your dream a reality.

We help heart-centered humans emerge from the darkness of loneliness into the light of belonging.

There are many reasons for loneliness and isolation. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. We have both lived in loneliness and isolation. We have transmuted the energy of this darkness into the light of connections, community, and belonging. You can wonder aimlessly through life trying to find your way out or you can take action and let us help you find the light.

Imagine a social life where you are surrounded by people who see you, hear you, and understand you. Imagine being accepted and celebrated for exactly who you truly are... your authentic self. We're describing a profound sense of "belonging".

We help heart-centered humans emerge from the darkness of loneliness into the light of Belonging.

Check Out Our
Offerings Below

Coach With Us

“The Path to Success” will help you make strides in the direction of your dreams. We offer a no-obligation discovery session to explore what's possible.

Hire Us to Design and Facilitate an Event

Dreaming of an event where you want to connect your guests and leave them feeling "blown away"? Reach out to us!

Join Our Membership Community

Be part of something greater than yourself. Surround yourself in a diverse group of people for fun activities, unique adventures, and group travel.

From Me to We: Unlocking the Power of Community

Listen to our Podcast for fun, informed, and inspiring conversations and interviews, all related to building community and fostering a sense of belonging.

Take the Quiz

Find out what's holding you back from having the social life you desire.


Are You Ready to Create a
Social Life That You Love?

Grab our free 7 Simple Steps to Create a Social Life That You Love Checklist.


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Join the growing number of humans that want more depth and meaning from their social interactions.