It’s time to have a social life that you love!

Get clarity and guidance on what's standing in the way of you having meaningful relationships. 

Overcome the fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs that block you, so you can discover the joy of being in community.

Become socially intelligent by...

  • releasing old thought patterns and limiting beliefs
  • rewriting your internal stories so you win
  • building confidence in mastering social skills
  • sharing your most authentic self with others
  • generating your own personal sense of belonging

Social Intelligence coaching will help you:

Identify your goals

Coaching will help you get clear on your dreams and goals. It will further provide you with a road map that will enable you to take one manageable step at a time.

Overcome challenges

Life is full of distractions and obstacles. Proven methods will help you grow through your challenges instead of letting them stop you on your life’s journey.

Learn mindfulness

Clear your mind of chaos and clutter. Learn new exercises to center yourself outside of your sessions so you stay calm when the going gets tough.

Find your direction

Feeling aimless? Coaching will help you find your north star, while giving you the tools you need to stay on-track and follow the path you choose.

“I really had no idea what to expect before I spoke with Dwight. He is kind and personable which put me at ease immediately. Not only is Dwight a great listener, but beyond that, he really helped me to figure out what it is that is important to me. I was able to finally feel forward movement again.”

~ Crystal G.

“I felt listened to and cared for. It felt like a safe place to share my experience.  I remember in that season, I was so dejected that my head was on my desk. But, one thing that kept me going was your kind demeanor."

~ Stephanie Wieder

About Us

We are business partners and life partners. We collaborate on a variety of projects. We are social intelligence coaches, founders of Authentic Events, and hosts of Authentic Friends & Adventures, a social and group travel membership community.

We work with heart-centered humans that want to emerge from the darkness of loneliness and isolation into the light of Connections, Community, and Belonging.


Certified Social
Intelligence Coach

My last name is Maddox and that's what I go by.

I am a coach, event designer and facilitator, and aspiring community leader.

I have devoted a lifetime to personal growth and I freely share what I have learned. With a 40 year history of providing personal services to clients as a beauty professional, I gained an incredible understanding of human behavior, effective listening, and communication skills.

A childhood filled with bullying and feeling like I never did belong took me on a journey that taught me deep compassion, how to fiercely take a stand for myself, and how to easily attract and connect with others that I feel a peaceful sense of belonging with.

One of my greatest pleasures in life, is bringing quality people together in a heartfelt manner.

All of this is what has made me the man I am today and led me to current projects that have deep purpose for me and nourish my soul.


Certified Social
Intelligence Coach

Empowering individuals to find their belonging – that's the driving force behind everything I do.

I grew up not fitting in anywhere.

After discovering my natural coaching instinct through consulting, I embarked on formal training with the Coach Training Alliance. Now, I empower individuals and groups to unlock their potential and build fulfilling lives.

Community Leadership
At Authentic Events, I craft immersive experiences that celebrate connection and belonging, filling the void I craved as a child. Through Authentic Friends & Adventures, we nurture a vibrant community where everyone feels welcomed and empowered.

Relevant Experiences
I learned many lessons at The School of Life. The summers I spent mowing my grandmother's East Texas fields taught me the value of hard work. Her dim view of the world taught me to listen for useful information even when it comes in the form of complaining.

My father loved me the best way he knew how. He had not yet broken the cycle of abuse that resulted in physical blows and emotional stress. But he demonstrated a tireless work ethic. He showed me how important it was to show up.

In March of 2022, I buried a husband after losing a war against advanced liver disease. The grief and mourning that followed took me on a roller coaster of reliving the 20 years that we had shared together. I was devastated. But I worked on myself. I embraced opportunities for growth. I got in touch with myself through therapy and through embracing

opportunities for inward exploration.

Growing through the loss of someone who I loved so deeply made me more fully formed. That kind of loss lent me a new perspective. I am still cursed with an extra helping of empathy, but I channel it to help clients.

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You have dreams...
We have roadmaps!

Get in touch with us today.

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