Authentic Events is the ultimate social experience that effortlessly creates magic for our guests. With some simple structure, we transform an ordinary gathering into a deeply engaging experience. Our unique concept brings people together.

It's time to elevate your game so you can create a social life that you love! Whether you're looking to expand your professional relationships or simply meet your people, our events provide the perfect platform for genuine connections within a relaxed and fun environment.

Join us for playful moments, delightful conversations, and endless possibilities. Cheers to new beginnings!

Authentic Events is the ultimate social experience that effortlessly creates magic for our guests. With some simple structure, we transform an ordinary gathering into a deeply engaging experience. Our unique concept brings people together.

It's time to elevate your game so you can create a social life that you love! Whether you're looking to expand your professional relationships or simply meet your people, our events provide the perfect platform for genuine connections within a relaxed and fun environment.

Join us for playful moments, delightful conversations, and endless possibilities. Cheers to new beginnings!

Carefully curated events...

When planning an event, we curate every aspect.  Every guest is hand selected by us or our existing guests.  We seek a specific vibe of inclusivity, diversity, openness, kindness, curiosity, and acceptance.


We have ONE rule... We never say the "N" word... (networking)

To me, that term fills my head with visions of 30-second elevator speeches, boring presentations, and people sticking business cards in my face. I was a serious networker for many years. In all my experiences, it was very Transactional. There came a time when I couldn't do it any more. I needed more!

We host and facilitate a variety of events. Whether it is fun and festive or business-oriented, the intention is for every guest to have a Relational experience. There is a holistic approach... in other words, you get to meet all facets of the person... business, personal, and whatever else they bring to the table.

One commonality that every event has is our focus on bringing people together in a deep and meaningful way... true connection. Because, we are #BETTERTOGETHER!

What sets us apart...

More than event planners, we design and facilitate a specific type of event that is always focused with an intentional goal in mind.

Make no mistake, our events are far more than a typical cocktail party.  While there is plenty of time to mix and mingle, there are some elements that create an energy and engagement that isn't present at most parties.

Each event has a simple structure that ignites guest's desire to talk with one another and squeeze all the juice out of the opportunity to connect. Our events work for both the outgoing and the shy. We've had countless introverts comment on the complete ease they felt in participating in the festivities. Many guests report an outpouring of quality social opportunities coming their way after attending one of our events.

So, you'd like to plan an intimate gathering?

Our bespoke events start with 15 guests and go up in size from there. We are always innovating to discover what is possible. We welcome your ideas.

We customize each event to meet your needs, based on the space you plan to hold the event, your budget, and the end result you would like to achieve.

When we enter into an arrangement with a co-host, it truly is a collaboration. For every event, you the host, will have some responsibilities that only you can do. After all, these are YOUR guests that you are entertaining. Don't worry... it's very doable and we make it easy as possible for you. We will take responsibility for the rest of the details and we will facilitate the event. Of course, this is all contingent on what we agree upon, during our planning meeting.

Events we offer...

  • Theme Parties
  • Business Connection Events
  • Showcase Your Business Events
  • Non-Profit Events
  • Team Building Events

Captured moments of magical connection...

Women's Conection Event

Creative's Event

Women's Connection Event

Entrepreneur's Event

Speed Dating Event

GBTQ Event

About Us...

During the extreme isolation of the pandemic, I, Maddox, made a declaration that when it was over, I would do whatever it took to create an EPIC social life.  Not just any social life, but a social life with quality people that included deep and meaningful relationships.

The first event was in September of 2022.  At the second event the following month, a friend invited Dwight and that's how we met.  The spark was immediate and we began to host the events together. As our relationship has grown, so has our rich social life.

While it started off with the idea of making friends by having guests into our home, it has grown and we now co-host events with others.  Everyone has their own experience. For us, hosting these events has been a highly effective way of creating a social life that we love! We now have an abundance of people in our lives that we can share a variety of experiences with. They're only a text message away.

Now, we've become the gay Play-Boys... NO, not "playboys"... that's totally something else...LOL! We bring people together to rediscover the child-like play that resides in each one of us.


My last name is Maddox and that's what I go by.

I am a Social Intelligence Coach, co-founder of Authentic Events, and co-host of Authentic Friends & Adventures, a social and group travel membership community.

I have devoted a lifetime to personal growth and I freely share what I have learned. With a 40 year history of providing personal services to clients as a beauty professional, I gained an incredible understanding of human behavior, effective listening, and communication skills.

A childhood filled with bullying and feeling like I never did belong took me on a journey that taught me deep compassion, how to fiercely take a stand for myself, and how to easily attract and connect with others that I feel a peaceful sense of belonging with.

One of my greatest pleasures in life, is bringing quality people together in a heartfelt manner.

All of this is what has made me the man I am today and led me to current projects that have deep purpose for me and nourish my soul.


I’m Dwight, a life coach and event host living in Dallas, TX.

I grew up not fitting in anywhere. My parents sacrificed resources to make me the only Black child in many white spaces. Ironically, I was the target of ridicule in many Black spaces.

I am enrolled in a program at the Coaches Training Alliance. I discovered that I had coached my consulting clients for years without knowing it. I always treated people with kindness and respect. I leave each engagement knowing the clients are more independent and confident because of our interaction.

As an Authentic Events host, I create the sense of belonging I yearned for as a child. I craft experiences that heighten joy and connection.

I learned many lessons at The School of Life. The summers I spent mowing my grandmother's East Texas fields taught me the value of hard work. Her dim view of the world taught me to listen for useful information even when it comes in the form of complaining.

My father loved me the best way he knew how. He had not yet broken the cycle of abuse that resulted in physical blows and emotional stress. But, he demonstrated a tireless work ethic. He showed me how important it was to show up.

In March of 2022 I lost a husband after losing a years-long war against advanced liver disease. The grief and mourning that followed took me on a roller coaster of reliving the 20 years that we had shared together. I was devastated. But I worked on myself. I embraced opportunities for growth. I got in touch with myself through therapy and through embracing opportunities for inward exploration.

Growing through the loss of someone who I loved so deeply made me more fully formed. That kind of loss lent me new perspective. I am still cursed with an extra helping of empathy, but I channel it to help others so that I can continue to heal myself.

What co-hosts and guests have to say...

"Maddox and Dwight do know how to plan a party, and one with a twist! Their organized series of icebreakers and break-out periods are structured in a way that you can’t leave the party without at least 1 or 2 new friends. Whether it’s reconnecting with familiar faces or first time encounters, Maddox and Dwight have perfected the ideal networking cocktail party."

~ Michael Dewberry, founding director at Pride Museum of Texas

"My experience with Maddox and Dwight was delightful! I oftentimes shy away (or runaway) from social events that resemble “networking” in any form and their events are far from that! The activities were thoughtful, engaging and fun! I appreciated the fact that they intentionally curated a group of people who shared the same artistic paths but different expressions. I connected with some amazing humans and I am excited to do it again!"

~ Dawn R Franklin, owner/designer at Dawn Franklin Designs

"I have now attended two events hosted by Maddox & Dwight. I have known Maddox for many years and recently reconnected with him and he extended an invitation to their event. He presented the concept, and I was all in. The idea of connecting with individuals on a deeper and more personal level was something I was longing for, and I feel like I'm not the only one. Maddox & Dwight instantly make you feel comfortable and a part of something greater than yourself. Their events are organized very well and come complete with name tags, cocktails and snacks. However, you won't eat anything because you will be too busy being part of some great conversations with other guests. The only downside is that you leave wanting it to last longer because you're having such a good time. I guess that's a good problem to have."

~ Cash Anglin, photographer and owner of Cash Anglin Photography

"The only thing I can say is... I was pretty lonely in Dallas before I met these two!”

Now my social schedule is booked months in advance.. I love people & new adventures... so am super grateful our paths crossed on a morning walk during a very hot summer in Dallas!

Thanks Maddox & Dwight for all you do for the many lonely people in Dallas... you make life a little sweeter for everyone you come in contact with!

~ Tammy Keating Houghton, fashionista and owner of


"I attend quite a few events of this nature and I have never experienced anything as amazing as this."

~ Matthew Osborne, director/producer and owner of 19 Production House

"My experience co-hosting with Maddox and Dwight was a positive experience from start to finish. They are incredibly kind, supportive and organized making the experience productive and enjoyable for me as well as our guests. I look forward to our next adventure!"

~ Joey Brock, artist and owner of Joey Brock Art

"I feel so incredibly grateful to have experienced these life changing events centered around meaningful connections. Maddox and Dwight thoughtfully curate these simple but powerful events that are super easy to fit into my schedule, but also profoundly effective in connecting me to some of the most amazing people that I wouldn’t have otherwise encountered. Dwight and Maddox make it so comfortable for all, they are quite the welcoming, gracious hosts with a big splash of warm smiles and lots of laughter!"

~ Keri Clark Gassaway, holistic health coach and owner of Live Well by Keri

"The events hosted by Maddox and Dwight are nothing like the exhausting networking events I’ve had to endure for work. Instead, I found a diverse group of fun and interesting people who are gathered not for commerce, but to revel in the opportunity to connect with others. Also, there is just enough structure to put an introvert like me at ease and actually find enjoyment in social interaction."

~ Ken Howard, author/entrepreneur

"Attending Maddox and Dwight's "Creatives" mixer this summer was an incredible experience. Mingling with fellow creatives, engaging in icebreakers, and sharing our creative journeys made for an intentional and valuable evening of meaningful connections."

~ Christi Meril, artist and owner of Christi Meril Contemporary Fine Art

"I have so enjoyed being a part of Maddox and Dwight’s events. I admit, I was a little skeptical at first, unsure how a two-hour event could bring together a complete group of strangers. Not only did Maddox and Dwight effectively ‘break the ice’ but also created a space where all of the personalities really seemed to gel. I’m so happy to have met some incredibly interesting people and am looking forward to the next event. For anyone who is a little apprehensive, leave your worries at the door and head inside! You’ll be so happy you did."

~ Meridith Manning, producer/director and owner of Meridith Manning Productions

"My experience of attending Maddox and Dwight's socials has been nothing but amazing. I always find new and interesting people to talk to and I leave with new connections. The atmosphere promotes a warm and welcoming vibe and great hosts."

~ Randy Woodring, president at Woodcrest Counseling, PLLC

"Dwight and Maddox are the ultimate hosts. They know how to create a comfortable, friendly, authentic environment where people feel at ease. The guests are the people you’ve always wanted to meet... you just haven’t had the chance yet. When they invite, I show up because I know I will have a wonderful experience with new friends that I feel as if I’ve always known."

~ Jane Baldwin, own of Jane's Dynamic Unwinding

"I thoroughly enjoyed my collaboration between Joey Brock and myself as co-hosts of a remarkable event tailored specifically for "Creatives".
Our collaboration with the amazing duo of Maddox and Dwight, proved to be a stress free/enjoyable event, thanks to the support system they provided. Their assistance surpassed expectations! Additionally, they offered invaluable guidance regarding the necessary arrangements for venue preparation, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for all involved.
I eagerly anticipate future collaborations with Joey Brock and the exceptional Maddox and Dwight."

~ Liz King, owner of Unpacked Pink Asphalt

"Authentic, joyful, low-pressure creative connection ~ that ’s what I experienced during the unique mixer for creatives I attended that was hosted by Maddox & Dwight. The gentle, yet supportive, structure they provided throughout the event afforded the opportunity to engage with many more people on a deeper level than a run-of-the-mill networking event or cocktail party where people tend to clump off into small groups and stay in our comfort zone. I highly recomend Authentic Events with Maddox & Dwight and look forward to attending another very soon!"

~ Jill Allison Bryan, creative coach and owner of Creative Oasis Coaching

Contact us!

If you are ready to Create a Social Life That You Love, reach out, because we have ideas. 😃  


Contact Us

Our Preferred Providers

Cash Anglin Photography

For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with looking at the world from a different view. As a child, I would lay down on the living room floor and put my head under the coffee table just so I could look at the space from a different angle. As my interest in photography began to grow, I noticed that my childhood habits started to ease into my photographs. There is a large portion of photography that is mechanical but where it gets interesting is the view from which the photo is taken.

Photography plays a role in many facets of my life. In most of my travels, I strive to get off the beaten path to find that special and unique view to capture. It is even more special when you can mix work and play. For example, last year I was hired to photograph a wedding at 13,000 ft. in the Colorado Rockies near the town of Telluride, CO. This was one of the highlights of my career thus far.

Cash is the official photographer/videographer for Authentic Events.

Visit Cash's Website

If you would be interested in being a preferred provider, please reach out to us here.